Pari Barzegari
Duties & Responsibilities include:
Serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the Board of Directors
Presides over meetings of the HOA Board
Presides over meetings of the Association Members
Ensures that orders and resolutions of the HOA Board are carried out
Signs official documents as may be incidental to the orders and resolutions of the HOA Board
Facilitates the prioritization of goals and tasks of the HOA Board
Responsible for communications between the Forest Lakes Homeowner Association and the property owners that are members of the association
Primary neighborhood contact for external media relations
Oversees the Homeowner Association website and email
Assists non-board organizations, such as committees and neighborhood groups, to access board-controlled channels of communication, when appropriate
Ron Moore
Vice President - External Affairs
Duties & Responsibilities include:
Fulfills all duties of the President in the event that the President is not available
Represent the residents of the Forest Lakes Subdivision to the community, city and county
Serve as the liaison to other local subdivisions to join together to push for common issues
Make contacts with the staff of city, county, state and federal representatives as well as the Shelby County Sheriff's department
Perform all other duties as assigned by the President of the Forest Lakes Subdivision HOA board
Zandra Hunter
Vice President - Internal Affairs
Duties & Responsibilities include:
Fulfills all duties of the President in the event that the President and the Vice President - External Affairs are not available
Serves as liaison between committees and the Board of Directors
Form committees within the Forest Lakes Subdivision, as needed
Recruit residents to serve on newly formed committees within the neighborhood
Attend committee meetings, as needed
Investigate resident and committee complaints and report outcome of the investigation to the Homeowner Association Board
Perform all other duties as assigned by the President of the Forest Lakes Subdivision HOA board
Ron Moore
Duties & Responsibilities include:
Responsible for formulating and managing the Association budget
Primary contact for outside financial service providers, including the neighborhood management company, accountants and auditors
Provides financial statements and analysis
Develops and maintain tracking mechanisms for Association expenditures
Oversees all financial record keeping
Perform all other duties as assigned by the President of the Forest Lakes Subdivision HOA board
Rachel Holt
Duties & Responsibilities include:
Record and certify Meeting Minutes for all HOA meetings
Maintain electronic and physical records of Association documents
Perform all other duties as assigned by the President of the Forest Lakes Subdivision HOA board
Kelsey Phillips
Board Member(s)
Duties & Responsibilities include:
Assist with Neighborhood Committees.
Perform all other duties as assigned by the President of the Forest Lakes Subdivision HOA board