Sprucing Up Your Mailbox

We’ve previously posted news and mentioned in many newsletters the importance of keeping your mailbox in good repair and in compliance. We’ve also mentioned that the HOA Board will levy fines for mailboxes not in compliance.

An example of a great Forest Lakes mailbox.

Today we’d like to share a blog post giving tips on how you can spruce up your mailbox on your own.

Read Here!

This is a great project anyone can take on but should you lack the time, you can also enlist help! See below.

Finally, if your mailbox needs to be replace, the HOA has preapproved 2 mailboxes (seen below) from popular retailers, Amazon and Wayfair.

You may find other options but please make sure to reach out to the HOA before using other options to ensure that you don’t incur fines.

Reminder About Dogs, Leashes, and Community

The HOA Board occasionally gets complaints about off-leash dogs, dogs damaging property, and barking dogs.

We are working with each homeowner that is having an issue alongside Shelby County.

Shelby County has a leash law and the City of Chelsea has an animal control officer to assist with enforcement.

Many neighbors have confided in the HOA that they are not comfortable using our beautiful lake or taking walks within the neighborhood due to off-leash dogs.

Please remember, even the most well-behaved dogs can be intimidating to others. Choosing to keep them on a leash is choosing to be a courteous and thoughtful neighbor.

Please feel empowered to report off-leash pets, and nuisance pets to City Hall.

Per the City "If it continues to be an issue, then it can be escalated where law enforcement and the court would become involved."

City of Chelsea Ordinance, hosted on the City website.